LONGi is Tier-1 Solar Panel Modules manufacturer established in 2000. They supply more than 30GW of high-efficiency solar wafers and modules worldwide yearly, about a quarter of global market demand. LONGi is recognized as the world’s most valuable solar technology company with the highest market value.
After careful analysis, LONGi has been selected as the supplier for their Hi-MO 5 series. The Hi-MO 5 series, which was launched in June 2020, is likely to witness high demand in the country, especially for utility-scale solar projects. Based on the M10 (182mm) standard gallium doped monocrystalline wafers, this high-performance module with conversion efficiency over 21%, has been developed to deliver class leading value to utility scale applications. Hi-MO 5 will bring optimal LCOE to ultra large-scale PV projects.
Attock Energy will continue to provide its expertise to its clients in the renewable energy sector for better decision-making, successful commissioning, and testing of the power plant. Attock Energy will be involved in all phases of the project, and keep an eye on progress, quality of materials & work, and give other support where required.
For more information, read this Press Release